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BluetoothSerialJoystick Class

The BluetoothSerialJoystick class encapsulates the behavior and attributes of a joystick connected via Bluetooth. It provides methods for retrieving joystick's position, rotation, and magnitude.

Table of Contents



Default constructor that initializes joystick values to zero.

BluetoothSerialJoystick(double rot, double mag)

Parameterized constructor for specifying initial joystick values.


  • rot: Initial rotation value in degrees.
  • mag: Initial magnitude or distance from the center.


void updateValues(double rot, double mag)

Updates the joystick's rotation and magnitude values.


  • rot: New rotation value in degrees.
  • mag: New magnitude or distance from center.

double getX()

Retrieve the joystick's horizontal (X-axis) position.

Returns: the x position of the joystick, ranging from -1 to 1.

double getY()

Retrieve the joystick's vertical (Y-axis) position.

Returns: the y position of the joystick, ranging from -1 to 1.

double getRotationDeg(double offset = 0)

Retrieve the joystick's rotation in degrees.


  • offset: (Optional) Degree offset to adjust the returned value.

Returns: The rotation of the joystick in degrees, adjusted by the offset.

double getRotationRad(double offset = 0)

Retrieve the joystick's rotation in radians.


  • offset: (Optional) Radian offset to adjust the returned value.

Returns: The rotation of the joystick in radians, adjusted by the offset.

double getMagnitude()

Retrieve the joystick's distance from the center.

Returns: The magnitude of the joystick's position, with a maximum of 1.00.